Welcome to rpg-board.net! Find the best online communities on rpg-board.net. Internet forums allow you to discuss and exhange easily with fans around a same passion. With forums hosted on rpg-board.net, you can be sure of discovering relevant contents and debate many topics. Browse forums created on rpg-board.net and find the online community of your dreams: music forums, video games forums, RPG forums,... Then, why don't you create your own forum on rpg-board.net.
be yourself show your talents and have fun!its a place with no rules
Back up forum of the Laxius community. Laxius Saga Shrine
Please feel free to join and take part in the many rps that have been posted up! The site is currently trying to bring in new people, so please! Bring your Magic! ! ! ! : )
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Harry Potter/Hetalia crossover roleplay forum.
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The game begins again, this time in America. The future of the world is at stake. Witness the story unfold as you and friends embark on an adventure through time. Will you save the future of the world? Or will you seek to destroy it?
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Welcome to the Naruto and Anime RPG Site! We hope you enjoy it here and please do register^^
naruto, anime, site, welcome, site!, hope, enjoy, here, please, register^^
In this site you can talk about your favorite anime series and Rp in one of our many battle threads Make a character and set out on an epic journey
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Roleplay as the greatest ninja to reveal themselves to the ninja world since Naruto himself! A great place to meet chat and mostly RP!
A Naruto site, where yo ucan come and rp and have fun with friends and new people.
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